Phillip Hui 許劍豪

Phillip Hui was born in Hong Kong in 1981. He finished the diploma of Art from Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design London in 2007, and attained a Bachelor in Arts degree from the University of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in 2011. Phillip uses oil painting and sketching as his main mediums, and takes art elements from classical Eastern and Western Art. He creates his art with allegorical ideas and fictional scenes to express human nature and different encounters in real life. Phillip also tries to explore the relationship and coexistence between people and the environment. 許劍豪,一九八一年生於香港, 於二零零七年完成倫敦中央聖馬丁學院藝術文憑課程, 並於二零一一年獲澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學頒授藝術文學學位。許氏以油畫和素描為主要創作媒介, 作品帶有古典東西方繪畫的原素。創作以寓意式的手法和虚構的場 境,來表達現實生活中人性和不同的際遇,並試圖探索人與環境之間並存的微妙關係。Phillip以油畫和素描為主要創作媒介,以寓意式的手法表達中的人性和際遇。 本地藝術家,完成倫敦中央聖馬丁學院藝術文憑課程,獲頒澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學頒授藝術文學學位。Phillip以油畫和素描為主要創作媒介,以寓意式的手法表達中的人性和際遇。
Represented by
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Year of Birth
