
原名張有發,早年學習西畫,期後研修中國書畫藝術。畢業於香港中文大學專業進修學院中國水墨畫高等文憑課程及首屆新水墨文憑課程,現為水墨畫課程導師。曾多次舉辦個人作品展,作品獲機構及私人收藏。近年獲大華銀行年度藝術大獎(銅獎)、中港書畫交流展 (銀獎)、亞太藝術双年展(優秀獎)、入選北京國際美術雙年展(抗疫篇)及全球水墨畫大展等…。   Mr. Cheung is an instructor of the “Drawing skills course for animal fur and feathers” of The School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSCS). He was awarded bronze in 2020 UOB Art in Ink Awards, silver award in China-Hong Kong Painting and Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition. His art work was evaluated by the Asia Pacific Art Biennial Exhibition Committee and he was granted the “Excellent Award”. His art works were selected into “Anti-epidemic Special Group” of “Beijing Biennale”. His artwork “顧盼 Gu Pan” was selected into “Ink Global 2020”.
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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
