Good Morning, Hallstatt – 早晨 Hallstatt

Situated in the western region of Austria is an ancient lakeside town called Hallstatt. This fairy-like town is surrounded by the Alps, as if cut-off and uncontaminated by the outside world. Little matchbox-like houses and a church with its sharp steeple formed a stunning reflection on the lake surface. In summer, there are green mountains and clear water. In winter, glistening snow covers everything. Each season has its own charming scenery, just like on postcards. Hallstatt is often reputed to be the world’s most beautiful town and listed on many “bucket lists”. In 1997, it was finally crowned as an UNESCO World Heritage site. 位於奧地利西部的湖畔古鎮,四周被阿爾卑斯群山環繞,宛如未被塵世污染的童話鎮。火柴盒般的小木屋加上尖塔教堂,山色倒影湖上,夏季青山碧水;冬天白雪皚皚,四季景致各異,風景美如明信片,常被冠以此生必去、世界最美小鎮等名號,1997年終被列為世界文化遺產。 Original Medium: Oil on canvas | 原本畫作 : 油彩布本
Painting / Oil on canvas
Current Location
Hong Kong
Represented by
100cm (W) x 80cm (H)

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