Victoria Harbor 《維港》

Victoria Harbour is a breathtaking sight to behold, offering a stunning view of Hong Kong's skyline. Amidst this picturesque backdrop sits the Former Kowloon-Canton Railway Clock Tower, a historical landmark that serves as a reminder of Hong Kong's rich heritage. The tower, which stands tall and proud, exudes a sense of grandeur and elegance that perfectly complements the beauty of the harbour. As the clock tower's hands move steadily, time seems to stand still, allowing one to fully appreciate the magnificence of this place. The Victoria Harbour and the Former Kowloon-Canton Railway Clock Tower are a testament to Hong Kong's past and present, and a symbol of its enduring spirit. It is a sight that is truly unforgettable and one that will leave you in awe. 作品曾在2020年墨韻傳情-張大富個人展展出、2020年第七期傑出人物刋登。2021年作品以中國藝術名家印刷成新西蘭郵票。
Painting / Chinese ink
Current Location
Hong Kong
Represented by
90cm (W) x 180cm (H)
Condition Report
Underpinned, Unframed

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The central image area, composition, or focal point; the area inside the margins/plate marks.
Areas bordering the central image, outside the plate marks, or the perimeter area.
The farthest edge of the object.
The reverse/back of the object.
An existing condition which generally does not involve risk of loss.
Noticeable damage, increasing in severity and/or size; should be monitored or corrected by a conservator.
Distinct, recognizable damage; the stability of the work is questionable and risk is a factor. Requires the attention of a conservator.
Advanced and severe damage; work is insecure and at great risk.