Colour of Breath息色

(Ref#: 20211020)
息色 Colour of Breath 物換星移,時光流轉, 天地交泰,萬物並生。 自形自色,光照萬象, 千色幻化,生生不息。 生命在於一呼一吸之間,氣脈能量循環流動於宇宙生命之中,生命體的能量各有不同,不同顏色的頻譜概念源於古印度氣脈七輪,反射人體能量,七輪能量組合各異,各自獨特存在,相互牽引。 每人都有自己的光環,無分你我,因緣和合,氣脈能通天地,梵我一如。 Chaos in the midheaven Time crumbles Earth where life is present Aligns itself to the universe Shining within Light inside out Full of colours Endless life The ancient Hindu concept of chakras. Chakras refer to the energy centres of the body and they are in the shape of a disk or wheel. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being. The presence of light helps to show the different hues of each of the 7 chakra colours. Each hue of each of the chakra colours represents different densities of energy. Each of the colour-wheels on display is a chart showing different hues of the same colour. Everyone has their own aura. They are breathing themselves unintentionally and experience different stages of life. The energy connects the human and natural universe into one. Ringo Tang
Painting / Digital Image Work
Current Location
Hong Kong
Represented by
1,210mm (W) x 623mm (H)
Frame Size
1,250mm (W) x 663mm (H)
Condition Report
Very Good
Selling Price

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The central image area, composition, or focal point; the area inside the margins/plate marks.
Areas bordering the central image, outside the plate marks, or the perimeter area.
The farthest edge of the object.
The reverse/back of the object.
An existing condition which generally does not involve risk of loss.
Noticeable damage, increasing in severity and/or size; should be monitored or corrected by a conservator.
Distinct, recognizable damage; the stability of the work is questionable and risk is a factor. Requires the attention of a conservator.
Advanced and severe damage; work is insecure and at great risk.