Irene on Sunday

"Irene on Sunday" is a vibrant masterpiece that captures the essence of a free-spirited and vivacious individual living life with unbridled joy. The canvas radiates with striking colours and soft, flowing lines, reflecting the infectious energy of Irene's carefree existence. Each brushstroke seems to dance across the canvas, mirroring the whimsical and detached nature of Irene's approach to life. The use of bold and lively colours creates a visual symphony, inviting viewers into a world where every moment is lived to the fullest. Irene's presence is palpable in the artwork, as the composition exudes a bright excitement that beckons viewers to embrace the same sense of liberation. "Irene on Sunday" encapsulates the spirit of spontaneity and celebration, embodying the belief in seizing the joy of each passing moment. The painting serves as an invitation to revel in the carefree and vibrant side of life, encouraging viewers to embrace the same free and detached spirit that Irene embodies on this particular Sunday, celebrating the beauty of living in the present.
Painting / Oil on Canvas
Current Location
Cindy’s Art Studio in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Represented by
100cm (W) x 100cm (H)
Condition Report
Mint Condition

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Condition Report Definition Key
The central image area, composition, or focal point; the area inside the margins/plate marks.
Areas bordering the central image, outside the plate marks, or the perimeter area.
The farthest edge of the object.
The reverse/back of the object.
An existing condition which generally does not involve risk of loss.
Noticeable damage, increasing in severity and/or size; should be monitored or corrected by a conservator.
Distinct, recognizable damage; the stability of the work is questionable and risk is a factor. Requires the attention of a conservator.
Advanced and severe damage; work is insecure and at great risk.