Exlibris Ocypode Stimpsoni 2022-001

Ocypode Stimpsoni - is a genus of ghost crabs found in the sandy shores of tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. They have a box-like body, thick and elongated eyestalks, and one claw is larger than the other in both males and females. They inhabit deep burrows in the intertidal zone. They are primarily nocturnal, and are generalist scavengers and predators of small animals. The ocean breeze blew through Ocypode Stimpsoni's fur as it lazily swam through the clear waters of Hong Kong. The sun was setting, and the orange and red hues in the sky made the cypode feel alive. It was happy to be in Hong Kong, where it could explore the many exciting fish that lived in the city's waters. As it swam past a group of fish swimming in formation, it noticed one was different. It was a large fish with a bright yellow stripe down its body. The stripe looked unusual, but Ocypode Stimpsoni wasn't scared; it had seen stranger things in its life. Curiosity got the best of the cypode, and it swam closer to see what the strange fish was doing. As it got closer, it could see that the fish was eating something small and white. It was a small fish, and it looked like it was in a lot of pain. Ocypode Stimpsoni felt sorry for the fish and decided to help it. It swam up to the large fish and bit into the white fish's flesh, making it squirm in pain.
Painting / Chinese Ink
Current Location
Hong Kong
Represented by
9cm (W) x 13cm (H)
Frame Size
13cm (W) x 18cm (H)
Condition Report
Framed, Mint

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The central image area, composition, or focal point; the area inside the margins/plate marks.
Areas bordering the central image, outside the plate marks, or the perimeter area.
The farthest edge of the object.
The reverse/back of the object.
An existing condition which generally does not involve risk of loss.
Noticeable damage, increasing in severity and/or size; should be monitored or corrected by a conservator.
Distinct, recognizable damage; the stability of the work is questionable and risk is a factor. Requires the attention of a conservator.
Advanced and severe damage; work is insecure and at great risk.