Hong Kong Tram – 香港叮叮

Affectionately known as “ding ding”, Hong Kong Tramways has been in operation for more than a century. “Ding Ding” is the sound that the bell makes when the tram enters a stop or to alert a pedestrian. Travelling at a speed of only 45 km/h in fast-moving Hong Kong, its unhurriedness is a refreshing change. The painting depicts “Number 120” fourth-generation tram, the oldest model still used in Hong Kong today. Inside the tram, classic teak wood is used, with rattan seats and tungsten lightings. All these are part of our collective memory. Definitely an epic classic. 營運超過一個世紀的香港電車,俗稱「叮叮」,源於電車進站或提醒擋路行人時、司機按響的警鈴聲。時速只有45公里,在節奏急速的香港,她的慢,反而更顯珍貴。畫中的「120號」第4代電車,是香港現存最古老電車,古典的柚木車身內,還保留藤編座椅和鎢絲照明燈,通通都是集體回憶,乃經典中的經典。 Original Medium: Oil on canvas | 原本畫作 : 油彩布本
Painting / Oil on canvas
Current Location
Hong Kong
Represented by
50cm (W) x 40cm (H)
Frame Size
70cm (W) x 50cm (H)

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