of Authenticity
香港仔漁市場 漁民收獲
Oil on canvas
香港不少地方是漁船聚集之處。昔日的「香港八大漁港」,分別是香港仔、筲箕灣、大澳、長洲、青山灣、大埔、沙頭角及西貢市,甚至維多利亞港的前身也一個漁港。 漁業早於香港開埠之前便已出現,到現時在香港的本地產業中仍然有一定的重要性。
60cm (W) x 50cm (H)
Condition Report:
Mint condition
Cheung yiu hong
Hong kong, Hong Kong
張耀康, 1985年出生,一位香港本地畫家。 早年跟隨台灣畫家胡凱評先生專研西方藝術。 作為一名畫家我在不斷探索和感受這世界。並透過不斷觀察身邊的人和事物,家人、朋友、大自然建築和街道,與我的關連。 在這樣的互動和節奏中創造不同的形像畫面。作品以厚塗和強烈的筆觸繪畫,使我的藝術有一種原始的,直接的力量,趨動著它。 Born and raised in Hong Kong in 1985, CHEUNG Yiu-hong has been practicing western art with his mentor Mr. HU kai-ping, the renowned artist in Taiwan. CHEUNG's artworks represent the artist's desire to continuously feel and explore the world. By observing things in his community as families, friends and the nature, he interacts with his paintings and tries to express their rhythm. CHEUNG usually applies impasto and strong brush strokes on his artworks. His artworks are raw yet direct, reflecting his craving for art.
Information Provided By
Cheung yiu hong
土瓜灣上鄉道33號鼎新大厦7樓D室Room D, 7/f ting sun plaza, 33 sheung heung road, to kwa wan, kowloon.
Hong kong
Hong Kong
Certificate Issued By
ARTRACX by Art Group
9/F Sing Shun Centre
495 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok
Hong Kong
+852 2270 9211