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Certificate of Authenticity
Bruce Lee #5
"Game of Death" is a film that Bruce Lee started creating and filming in the fall of 1972. The original title had one more character than the subsequent versions of the film. However, due to the opportunity to perform in "Enter the Dragon" in Hollywood, he had to leave the filming of "Game of Death" unfinished, with only about one-third of the scenes completed. In "Game of Death," Bruce Lee planned to showcase his martial arts skills and philosophy through a storyline that involved a character named Billy Lo, who was a martial arts movie star. The film was intended to explore the theme of the true nature of martial arts and its place in modern society. After Bruce Lee's unexpected death in July 1973, the incomplete footage of "Game of Death" was re-edited and released in 1978 with the help of stand-ins, stunt doubles, and special effects. The final version of the film incorporated footage from Bruce Lee's older films as well and has become a cult classic among fans of martial arts films.
43cm (W) x 57cm (H)
Tsui Shing On (崔成安)
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Tsui Shing On is a renowned portrait master and illustrator, recognized as one of the best in Hong Kong. Born in Gaoyao County, Guangdong Province, China, he immigrated to Hong Kong in 1955, where he studied Western and Traditional Chinese painting at the Ling Hai Art School in 1968. Since then, he has dedicated his life to photography and fine arts, working for prestigious organizations such as Ming Pao, Sing Tao Daily, Jade Dynasty, TVB, Laidi TV, Jiayi TV, Radio Television Hong Kong, Golden Harvest and New Art City. 崔成安是著名的肖像畫大師和插畫師,被公認為香港最好的人物畫之一。生於中國廣東省高要縣,1955年移居香港,1968年入讀凌海畫院西洋國畫。為明報、星島日報、玉皇朝、麗的電視 RTV 、佳藝電視CTV、無綫電視TVB、萊迪衛視、嘉藝衛視、香港電台、嘉禾及新藝城等知名機構服務。 崔成安的藝術天賦和對繪畫的熱情從小就表現出來。他的職業生涯始於三行的學徒畫家,在那裡他為涼茶店和劇院畫小招牌和廣告牌。後進入出版社,擔任武俠小說插畫師,從金庸小說插畫大師姜雲行的作品中汲取靈感。
Information Provided By
Art Group Limited
c/o Fringe Club, No. 2 Lower Albert Rd,
Hong Kong
Certificate Issued By
ARTRACX by Art Group
9/F Sing Shun Centre
495 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok
Hong Kong
+852 2270 9211