Certificate Number:
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Certificate of Authenticity
Acrylic on Canvas
"Kurtis" is a heartfelt acrylic painting that immortalises a significant moment between an artist and her student. In this intimate portrayal, the student's radiant smile within the artist's studio reflects genuine happiness and the accomplishment fostered by five years of mentorship. The sparkle in his eyes and confident pose showcase the impact of the artist's guidance. The studio, carefully rendered with rich brushstrokes, symbolises a space of creativity, nurturing, and growth—a sanctuary for both artist and student. The details of art materials and canvases in the background symbolise continuous learning. The warm colour palette creates a comforting atmosphere, highlighting the student's vibrant presence against subdued hues. With meticulous brushwork, the artist captures the nuances of light and shade, achieving a lifelike rendering of the student's features. "Kurtis" transcends the canvas, conveying a narrative of shared growth, mentorship, and friendship through art. It celebrates the profound connection between teacher and student, inviting viewers to reflect on the lasting impact of dedicated mentorship in an individual's journey.
50cm (W) x 50cm (H)
Cindy Rhee
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
I am Korean by birth and have travelled extensively, spending most of my professional life in Hong Kong. My paintings reflect a uniquely eclectic way in and of the effects that is the mix of cultures: Korean, English and Chinese. A mix of styles which is a reflection of working and living in the cultural melting pot of Hong Kong. The energy and vibrancy of the city has always been part of my inspiration to paint.
Information Provided By
Cindy Studio HK
3 Kui In Fong, 31 B Cherry Crest,
Sheung Wan, Central 0000
Hong Kong
Certificate Issued By
ARTRACX by Art Group
9/F Sing Shun Centre
495 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok
Hong Kong
+852 2270 9211