Reprint Edition of "Uncle II - 二叔公": 30cm x 40cm


In the era of no credit cards, whenever the working or poor population needed money, pawn shops were their go-to “banks” to pawn their precious belongings to ease their cash flow. When money became available, they would then redeem back their items. The soul of the pawn shop was “second uncle” whose skills and experience could decipher between the real and fake and offer the best price for your precious. In the olden days, when the parents feared that their children might not survive to adulthood, they “pawned” them to “second uncle” for blessings. With the passing of years, pawn shops are getting fewer and fewer. Now even the pawn shop neon sign “fortune within sight” 「蝠鼠吊金錢」 is hardly seen. Long live “second uncle”.

在未有信用卡的年代,草根階層周轉不靈,會到當舖典當私人物品借錢,到有錢便贖回抵押品,正所謂有借有還上等人。俗稱二叔公的老櫃員,負責鑑別典當品的真偽並估值,是整間當舖的靈魂。舊時父母怕子女養不大,更會典當給二叔公祈福。時移世易,典當業日漸式微,就連店前的標記 ——「蝠鼠吊金錢」霓虹招牌也買少見少,但願二叔公長命百歲。

Original Medium: Oil on canvas | 原本畫作 : 油彩布本

Artwork Reprint
Reprint on canvas
Total Prints
Represented by
30cm (W) x 40cm (H)

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