Reprint Edition of "Fuji "Mi" - 富士見": 70cm x 50cm


Mt Fuji is Japan’s highest mountain and UNESCO World Heritage site. Believed to be the abode of gods, it is an active volcano and is greatly admired by all. For the Japanese, it is not only a high mountain, but it is also a symbol of national pride and spirit. Snow can be seen at the top of Mt Fuji all year round. Its all-surpassing beauty becomes a muse for many artists, including Katsushika Hokusai (his famous woodblock prints of “36 views of Mt Fuji”), Van Gogh, Monet and many Western artists. The best way to view Mt Fuji up-close is by riding on Fujikyu Railway.

日本第一高峰兼世界文化遺產。本是活火山,自古被視為神明居所而深受景仰,對日本人來說,不僅是一座高山,更是大和民族的精神象徵。山頂長年積雪,美得不可方物,成為無數藝術作品的靈感泉源,包括葛飾北齋著名浮世繪《富嶽三十六景》,更深深影響梵谷、莫內等西洋畫家。乘坐最接接近富士山的鐵路 —— 富士登山電車,近距離欣賞更佳。

Original Medium: Oil on canvas | 原本畫作 : 油彩布本

Artwork Reprint
Reprint on canvas
Total Prints
Represented by
70cm (W) x 50cm (H)

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