Reprint Edition of "So Long, Jumbo - 珍重 · 珍寶": 40cm x 30cm


Known as the world’s largest floating restaurant in its heyday, Jumbo Kingdom seafood restaurant was a familiar sight in Aberdeen Wong Chuk Hang for over half a century. Modelled after traditional Chinese imperial palace design, the restaurant consisted of Jumbo seafood restaurant and Taibai seafood restaurant. Its opulent grandeur ambience attracted many admirers including Queen Elizabeth II, Tom Cruise and William Holden. Sadly, Jumbo didn’t survive the pandemic, and in June 2022, it apparently disappeared into the South China Sea. From endless crowds to silent oblivion, this is just like our beloved city riding through waves of ups and downs.

曾被譽為「世界上最大的海上食府」,屹立香港逾半個世紀,座落香港仔黃竹坑的海上畫舫。由珍寶海鮮舫與太白海鮮舫組成,仿照中國傳統宮廷設計,瓊樓玉宇金碧輝煌,連英女皇伊利沙伯二世、湯告魯斯、威廉 · 荷頓也曾是座上客。可惜敵不過疫情,2022年6月傳聞於南海失蹤。從客似雲來到悄然落幕,就跟我城一樣經歷無數風浪。

Original Medium: Oil on canvas | 原本畫作 : 油彩布本

Artwork Reprint
Reprint on canvas
Total Prints
Represented by
40cm (W) x 30cm (H)

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