Reprint of "Moraine Lake, Canada - 加拿大夢蓮湖" (30cm x 40cm - 0/0)

Situated in Canada’s Banff National Park is a glacier lake called Moraine Lake. It is 1,884m above sea-level and surrounded by 10 rising peaks, 3,000m above sea-level. From June every year, the frozen glacier starts to melt, refracting lights on layers of glacier rock dust and bringing out stunning colours of turquoise. The snowy mountain peaks are gorgeously reflected upon the crystal clear lake water. For one lonely canoe paddler, this is the perfect Me-Time to enjoy the magnificent scenery. 位於加拿大班夫國家公園內、海拔1,884公尺高的冰川湖,四周被海拔3,000多米的十峰山谷圍繞。每年直到六月,冰封的湖水才融化到最高線,折射沉積的岩粉,呈現寶石般的藍綠色。湖水清澈靜謐,將略帶白雪的的山峰,完美倒影如鏡的湖上。一個人划一艘獨木舟,泛進於如畫美景中,享受真正的Me-time。 Original Medium: Oil on canvas | 原本畫作 : 油彩布本
Artwork Reprint
Original Artwork
Reprint Edition
Reprint on canvas
Reprint Number
0 / 0
Represented by
30cm (W) x 40cm (H)

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