Reprint of "Hong Kong Peak Tram - 山頂纜車" (91cm x 61cm - 0/0)

This is Hong Kong’s oldest form of public transport, going back more than 130 years. With its evolution from the first-generation coal/steam powered wooden car to the present sixth-generation computer-operated aluminium car, it has witnessed the transformation of Hong Kong from a small fishing village to a bustling financial centre. In our younger days, taking a tram was like a fantasy ride. Our hands could almost touch the tall gleaming buildings. May this magical sight never fade. 香港歷史最悠久的公共交通工具,營運超過130年,由第一代燃煤蒸氣發動木車廂,到全電腦控制驅動的第六代鋁製車廂,見證香港從開埠初期的小漁村,發展成今日的國際金融中心。小時候總覺得,乘坐纜車是一趟奇幻旅程,一棟棟高聳入雲的摩天巨廈,彷彿觸手可及,但願這片美景永不退色。 Original Medium: Oil on canvas | 原本畫作 : 油彩布本
Artwork Reprint
Original Artwork
Reprint Edition
Reprint on canvas
Reprint Number
0 / 0
Represented by
91cm (W) x 61cm (H)

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